Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001

Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001 is part of the multimedia project Mikromedas.
Mikromedas is a data-driven music project in which the compositions produced use data stemming from space, deep space, and astrophysical simulation models. Unique systems and innovations in using astrophysical data and models as new tools for artistic creation were designed to realize the project. These include data sonification, data visualization, and algorithmic composition.
The project is presented in several thematic performance series. The latest series within Mikromedas is the AdS/CFT series.
This new series focuses on the ultimate quest in today’s field of theoretical physics, namely the search for a theory that would unite both worlds of quantum physics and Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In the scientific community, this quest gave rise to the field of quantum gravity.
The first work in this series, a 45-minute music piece, is the proposed work Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001. The central focus is the fascinating world of astrophysical black holes. The main reason for doing so is black holes’ role in understanding how quantum gravity might work. All of the music in Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001 is composed using data stemming from numerical simulation models of astrophysical black holes and regions of extreme gravitational fields. Data used includes gravitational wave data, elementary particle trajectory data near black holes, and observational white dwarf data.
The work is presented in different forms—as a musical concert, a live audiovisual show, or an audiovisual installation.
The album, Mikromedas AdS/CFT 001, was released in December 2021 on the label Ash International, a subsidiary of the renowned Touch label. It received critical acclaim and has been featured extensively in international outlets and magazines such as Music Radar, Tech Radar, The Wire UK, Electronic Sound Magazine, New Scientist, DJ Mag, Deutschland Funk, and Deutschland Funk Kultur to name but a few.
Related Elements:
- Making Music using Black Holes with Valery Vermeulen - Music Production Podcast #242
- Mikromedas AdSCFT001 2D visualisation of gravitational waves