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Shared Online Repository and MUSense Institutional Website (PR2)


Updated: 28-01-2025 10:44

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Shared Online Repository and MUSense Institutional Website
Updated: 28-01-2025 10:44 - Size: 1002.5 KB
Attachment language: Dutch File type: PDF document Gedeeld online archief en MUSense institutionele website
Updated: 19-03-2025 08:46 - Size: 1.14 MB
Attachment language: Turkish File type: PDF document Paylaşılan Çevrimiçi Depo ve MUSense Kurumsal Web Sitesi
Updated: 22-03-2025 08:58 - Size: 1.84 MB
Attachment language: Swedish File type: PDF document Delat onlineförråd och MUSense institutionell webbplats
Updated: 31-03-2025 07:48 - Size: 1.34 MB

This report presents the outcomes and deliverables of Project Result 2 (PR2) of the MUSense project, which focuses on advancing the visibility and accessibility of the project's resources and results. As part of this effort, significant steps have been taken to establish a strong online presence through the creation of a unique project logo, the evelopment of an informative website, and the launch of an online repository for sharing research findings, datasets, and related materials.

The project logo serves as a visual representation of MUSense, symbolizing the project's mission and objectives in a clear and engaging manner. The MUSense website has been designed to provide a user-friendly platform where stakeholders, researchers, and the public can access up-to-date information about the project's progress, upcoming events, and key deliverables.

Additionally, an online repository has been established to ensure that the project's outputs are easily accessible to a wider audience. This repository contains all relevant project data, publications, and other essential materials, fostering collaboration and transparency within the research community.

Coordinating Institution:
Conservatorio di Musica Alessandro Scarlatti di Palermo
Address: Via Squarcialupo, 45, 90133 Palermo, IT
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.