Shared Online Repository and MUSense Institutional Website (PR2)

This report presents the outcomes and deliverables of Project Result 2 (PR2) of the MUSense project, which focuses on advancing the visibility and accessibility of the project's resources and results. As part of this effort, significant steps have been taken to establish a strong online presence through the creation of a unique project logo, the evelopment of an informative website, and the launch of an online repository for sharing research findings, datasets, and related materials.
The project logo serves as a visual representation of MUSense, symbolizing the project's mission and objectives in a clear and engaging manner. The MUSense website has been designed to provide a user-friendly platform where stakeholders, researchers, and the public can access up-to-date information about the project's progress, upcoming events, and key deliverables.
Additionally, an online repository has been established to ensure that the project's outputs are easily accessible to a wider audience. This repository contains all relevant project data, publications, and other essential materials, fostering collaboration and transparency within the research community.