Towards new, sustainable digitalive performance practices in Higher Music Education (PR4)

A fascinating project has come to an end, and it is now time to look back and evaluate the meetings, training activities, conferences and multiplier events of the last three years. Five universities shared their knowledge, exchanged trainers and students, participated in joint workshops and, by experimenting with the latest digital technologies, opened new doors and pointed to new innovative approaches, where their local specificities are not replaced by, but reinforced and incorporated into, the global goals and strategies for music education and practice.
In this report we go through different stages of the project development, activities and outcomes; reflect on the process and results; evaluate the impact on the individual institutions; and finally we propose the guidelines for a Cyber and distant performance Training LAB based on the concluding LTTA2 (Learning, Training & Teaching Activities) in Malmö, where all the threads described in the initial activities come together as a possible model and proposal for best future practice. The digital turn appeared to be inevitable, but it will not replace the teaching and practicing of live music. Processes of digitization in higher musical learning through development and use of new digital technology can enhance and reshape music making and music performance. At the same time, music performan-ce and music making offer immense creative and aesthetic potential to the develop-ment of new digital technology, as long as the processes are informed by practitio-ners’ perspectives, emerging in and through musical practice(s).